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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Long Time No Post

Well, I haven't posted forever and a lot has been going on since. I recently had my bridal shower which was so nice. We got so much nice stuff and I thank everyone who came, and who helped out. It's nice getting family and friends together like that. I also got to meet quite a few of Jason's family members who I never got to see before so that was nice. Clark was the star of the day though. I am now working in Wauseon still doing the same job, working with the same "cluster" of clients (ie those with anxiety and depression). It's going well, I've met a lot of my new clients and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Jason and I have been getting to spend some more time together which is obviously nice. I've even cooked for him a few times (I don't know if it was any good or not, but he ate it). We have found a church that we like pretty well, close to the apartment so that was a good thing. The preacher and his wife even came by the apartment one night. There isn't much time left before the wedding will be here and we pretty much have something going on every weekend until the big day, so it is gonna just absolutely fly. We still have quite a bit to do, but it will all get done in due time. My little brother left me a message the other night and mom said she talked to him, I guess he is just having the time of his life so we're all happy to hear that. Well that is a brief update. I'm hoping to be a better post-er and to get some pics of the apartment on here. Hope all is well with everyone, take care!


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