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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

On the up and up....

Thought I would put some of these pics up, Jason's cousin took these, thought they turned out pretty good. This way if you weren't able to make it to the wedding you can see some of the highlights. As for us, things are going pretty well. We haven't been feeling too hot lately, but we are slowly trying to recover. Good news is I found out I don't need surgery for the cyst they found in my sinus, they are relating all my problems to my allergies, gee imagine that. So I'm having another allergy test done in about 2 weeks, so I hope that will clear up some questions and get me feeling better. They say that NW Ohio is one of the worst places for people with asthma and allergies and Toledo is up there in like the top 10 worst, so that could be a problem. As for Toledo, Jason and I really like it here. There is always something to do and we are at a pretty good location. The new job is going well, I have just been doing some odds and ends of things, some training stuff and helping out with some outreach stuff for Medicare Part D, don't know if any of you follow that kind of stuff, but it is a pretty big deal. I won't actually get into my job training until November for the first part and then December starts round 2 until March, so I won't actually get into my job until sometime after March, but I will be learning quite a bit in the meantime, they have assigned me a mentor who has been there for over 10 years, she is super nice and knows what she is talking about so that will help out big time. I know that this was the right move for me and I am just really excited about everything that has been happening the past few months. I mean, I had an awesome wedding, married the man I want to spend the rest of my life with, and now my career is taking the path I wanted it to. Jason and I were talking the other night about how lucky we are. We both have secure jobs that pay well, but the biggest thing is we actually enjoy what we are doing. To me that is so much more important than how much you make. I see my brother and sister-in-law struggling to make it on the income they have, but I don't really ever hear them complain about it, they do what they can, and Adam is making a difference in the life of so many young people. I know that he gets frustrated sometimes but he really is good at what he does and they do what they hafta to get by, I think a lot of people could learn from them. Then Andy, my lil bro, is doing what he loves not making a ton of money, but he has recently had some offers to go to Wittenburg in Springfield and work for his old boss, unfortunately the money was better but just not quite enough to make it. He is good at what he does and he enjoys it, that is the most important thing. The other things come in time, everything eventually falls into place. Watching Adam, Mary Beth, and Clark live on not much extra at the end of the month shows that Adam does have a good heart and a lot of love for God and what he does. He could probably easily change the direction of his career and his life but he has set his heart on bringing youth to Christ for now at least and he does such a good job. Sometimes, we get down in our lives and think we have nothing else to offer, it's at that point when we don't have anything else to offer, never set limits on yourself because if you do, you limit what you can do. Jason and I are indeed blessed to have found each other and now in our lives together we continue to be blessed everyday. We need to constantly remember what our place here on earth is and strive for the common goal, to be a good person and to please God in everything we do.


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