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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Moved In

The stuff is all out of the apartment and out of my parents house for that matter and moved into our house. Thanks to the help of our families we were able to get everything moved over on Saturday and got a good chunk of stuff put away and in order. Of course, the bigger chunk is there for me to go through, but we made a lot of headway Saturday and again we appreciate everyone's help, we couldn't have done it all without you. Now that we have a place to entertain, we'll have everyone up and have a cookout this summer. It might take me that long to find my craft/sewing room to get everything organized, so that will probably work out well. I don't think that Jason and I have gotten used to having so much room. Not that it is a bad thing, just different than what we are used to. No complaints. The move went well, we had good weather and everything made it over in one piece and unless someone broke something and didn't tell me, everything made it over in one piece. The only real thing damaged throughout the weekend was my back. I'm struggling right now with it, I think I pinched a nerve. That will teach me to try to be Wonder Woman, I was trying to get a bunch moved over on Friday so Jason wouldn't have to worry about it after he got home from work, I guess I should have let him do it, now I'm paying the consequences. Oh well, could be a lot worse. A big thanks to my brother Adam, who (FINALLY ) got our wedding video finished :) That was a pretty good house warming gift, and we actually watched it Saturday night. Seems like it was just last month that we were married and planning everything, hard to believe it's been over 7 months. On another good note, my car got fixed and it looks brand new. Well for now, hope everyone has a great week!


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