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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Growing Up

This isn't the first post with this title. Funny how things change. Jason had a revelation the other day that he is getting older as well. We bought a mower on Sunday and he mowed part of the lawn Sunday before the rain and finished it last night. Yesterday, he said he was talking to one of his customers about lawn mowers and they were comparing the mowers they own and had a good discussion on mowers. He realized at that time that things have changed, ha-ha. Well I told him that I took pictures of my flowers and posted them on here. Last night my older brother called and about 50% of our conversation was devoted to talking about our lawn work and different plants and flowers we have planted, amazing how things change, ha-ha. A couple of weeks ago my little brother came up and we went to Menards and worked on the yard and planted some things. I never thought I would enjoy yard work and gardening, but wow have times changed. I actually really enjoy it, even though it is hard work at times, it really can be relaxing. So, the point of this is, it is funny how our priorites change the older we get. Everyday I feel like I learn so much more. On a lighter note, Jason was mowing the backyard last night and Tressel with hovering close to me as I was grilling out some chicken. Well he ventured a little closer to Jason. Probably about 90% of the lawn was mowed and that darn puppy ran over where there were about 4 more lines to mow and he squatted to poop right in front of Jason and the mower nonetheless. So yeah it was pretty comical and pretty gross all at the same time. Hope everyone has a great day!


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