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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

If it weren't for bad luck...

Well things have been a bit crazy for us lately. We have been having problems with our cable bill and been fighting with them about that. Somehow, someone is either intentionally or unintentionally able to order adult movies from our system and we are getting billed for it. So we are disputing like 250 bucks right now. We have had some problems with our cetral air so almost 3 weeks ago someone came to look at it and said our furnace needed some new parts, not something we really didn't know. Well we have our home warranty that will pay for most of it, last week we called both places and got this round about explanation that it was the place that came out and then that it was the warranty place. So that is a lot of fun when it is 90 degrees outside. Then last week we had some horrible storms and had some flooding in our garage and some into our laundry room and a little into the family room. That was not a fun night, up to our knees getting buckets of water off the driveway until almost midnight last Wednesday night. Although, considering the damage that could have taken place we were very lucky, very lucky. Could have been much worse, there were people that lost all their appliances, furniture, carpeting, and much much more. So we are thankful for the small heartache we incurred verses the mass loss we could have suffered. So then we ordered pizza on Sunday and they charged us like 42 bucks instead of the 15 or so they were supposed to. Awesome, something else to add to the pot. Ha-ha, so since Jason's big win at the casino we haven't exactly had what one would consider good luck. Hope that you are all doing well and that things are going well! Have a great Tuesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo yo yo EY! Sorry about your string of bad luck- but things will brighten up soon! Hope all is well! I hope to talk to you soon! We have a lot of catching up to do! C-ya

11:34 PM  

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