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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Friday, July 14, 2006

1st year is the hardest...I'll Say!

Just kidding Jason. Well this Sunday is our one year anniversary. I know it is hard to believe huh? The time has gone so fast. Everyone says that the first year is always the hardest, well if that is the case I am positive that Jason and I will have nothing to worry about. We have had a lot go on the past year and despite it all we have always managed to come out and work together to get the problem resolved. We went through a job change and bought a house in that time so that in and of itself are two pretty big changes. We will be just fine. I can say that we are good together and that no matter what comes up we will always be able to compromise and reslove the situation. The past 2 months we have had nothing but bad luck, but here we still are able to laugh and move on from the stressful situations after dealing with them together. I know with all this crap we have gone through lately that if we didn't have each other it would have been a lot worse for sure! So we are celebrating tomorrow going up to Blissfield MI to take a Murder Mystery Train Ride. Something that neither of us have ever done ,but sounds like something that will be a lot of fun! Check it out.
Hope everyone is doing well!


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