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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Things are still going well for Jason and I. This past weekend Jason took Friday off and headed up to somewhere in Michigan with his buddies Derek and Ben to watch some pro golf action. Needless to say he was like a kid in a candy store when he got home after following Tiger Woods around all day. Saturday morning he played in a golf scramble with Slim, Ben, and Curtis where they did "ok." Saturday night Jason and I went to a block party with our neighbors. We weren't sure what to expect but we ended up having a good time. We were able to meet some new people, we ate some dinner, played some goofy games and sat around a bonfire. We did play a round of golf which was pretty fun. Sunday was a lounge day for us. This coming weekend we have a wedding to go to in Centerville OH, close to Dayton. My friend Nick from college is getting married. It will be good to see all my old chums and it is always exciting to see good friends get married and start that new chapter in their life. Hope everyone is doing well!


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