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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


My work week started out with my car not starting. Fun times let me tell you. Well Jason and I purchased a car from my mom and dad who got the car from my Grampa about 2 weeks ago. It is a 1999 Buick Century with 48,000 miles on it, yeah I said 48,000 miles on it, so we have an extra car luckily so I was able to make it to work. Well, we jumped my car last night and took it to a place down the road and they checked it out and called me this morning. It is the starter, 400 bucks, awesome! Surprisingly we got some good news though about this, I bought an extended warranty and believe it or not we only have to pay 50 bucks, thank goodness. We are in the process of replacing our garage door and door opener (NOT cheap) so this was the last thing we needed but we are all good though. We are having some problems with our washer but we should be able to get that taken care of, these days nothing that happens to us seems to phase us since we have had so much bad luck lately, so we are staying positve and luckily things are working out for us! This weekend I am heading down to the old UU for an alumni soccer game. I may regret that come Sunday but it will be great to see everyone again! I am so out of shape though I will probably embaress myself, but at least I know it ahead of time. I never was that great of a player in the first place! Ha-ha, so hope you are all doing well and I am looking forward to seeing a lot of you this weekend!


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