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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, April 30, 2007


Well it has been some time since I have posted on here and let everyone know what is going on. So here we go, not a whole lot with Jason and I. It is golf season so we know what Jason is doing or trying to do as much as he can. Apparantly it is that time where babies are being born left and right! I will try to post pictures of all the littles ones. Exciting times for everyone involved. Mary Beth should be going in at 7 am tomorrow morning to give birth to Clark's Sibling. (Clark said that the baby cannot come in the house but the baby could stay in the car seat in the car) Could be interesting. I will keep you all posted as to what they had and the name. My Grampa has had a rough month or so. He went to the hospital over 3 weeks ago where he found out he had multiple heart attacks (though he was being treated for acid reflux-we won't go there); he has since undergone a triple bypass surgery and had his ups and downs throughout recovering. As of today he was transferred to a facility about 45 minutes from Defiance for some extensive rehab-as he was bed ridden for about 3 weeks and he is 78 years old with bad lungs. So our hope is that in about 2-3 weeks he will return home. He is starting to become very annoyed about everything and he is good and ready to come home mentally but physically he is going to need some work, so the past 3 weeks I have spent at Toledo Hospital, but thanks to a lot of prayers he is going to make it and doing pretty well.

We have been trying to get yard work done to get ready for the summer season, finally feel as though Spring might stick around. The past 2 weekends have been perfect so I don't think that I will complain about the weather at all.

Jason and I hope to make it to our first Mud Hens game on the season on Thursday.

So at this point things are going pretty well I will try to update a little more often.

Hope this finds you all in good health and good spirits.



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