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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Sunday, May 13, 2007


I was able to spend some time with Adam, Mary Beth, Clark, and Clementine this weekend. It was great getting to see Clementine for the first time. She is a sweet little girl, can't wait for her to be able to hold her own head up and not be so fragile! I got to spend a lot of time with Clark on Saturday. I took him to his favorite place in the world, the zoo. I had never been to the Columbus Zoo before, it is huge! It was a perfect day for it and Clark needed a little time to do what he wanted (just as much as Adam and Mary Beth needed some time away from him!) so it was a great day! As you can tell from the pictures he had a great time and he wore himself out! I didn't get any pictures taken of Clementine I am ashamed to say. She is less than two weeks old and if she was not attached to Mary Beth eating she was sleeping, so I will see them again in two weeks and I'll make a point to do that and get some new pictures of her up. I also got to hear Adam preach which was nice, I hadn't heard him in quite awhile. Typical Adam sermon, he started it with a video with Mr T singing a song for mother's pretty stinking funny! Good weekend all in all! Plus I came home and Jason was Mr Motivated (did the laundry/dishes/swept the floors/mowed the lawn!) And I'm not even a mother, that was a great way to end the weekend! Hope everyone is doing well!


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