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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Month of May

Yeah so the month of May has been a bit of a blur! From the last time I posted pictures from Clementine's b-day our weekends have consisted of another trip to Columbus, a trip to Chicago to watch Jason's beloved Cubs win! (see pictures and a video on Jason's blog)
Then last weekend Jason played in a tennis tourney on Friday and Saturday. This weekend was jam packed but very nice! Saturday Jason played golf with his dad and Slim--then Jason and his dad came up to try to get our washer fixed (no such luck)--new one is on the way. Jason's mom got the first coat of paint in the nusery. I will get pics up when it is done. Then Saturday night my good college roommate Vickilynne and her husband Kevin came up for a visit (great to see them both)! Then Sunday Adam and Mary Beth came up with the kids--we went to the Mud Hens game. Clark got to run the bases (he was soooo excited). He was only one of the few who made sure to touch all the bases. Then Monday--Jason, Adam, and Andy loaded up Andy's apartment so he could pack his stuff back to Defiance. After that the Metz family came up to our house for a cookout.
Next weekend will be a busy one as well. We are pretty booked for the next several weekends. This weekend Friday I'll be heading to Put In Bay for Jenn's bachelorette party, then back to Toledo on Saturday because we have a wedding in Michigan. Sunday Jason is going to Columbus with Slim to watch the pros play some golf.
And in two weekends Jenn and Levi are getting married so we are off to Dayton. (I can't believe how fast this came up).

So...I haven't posted for a little while but at least now I think you can see why! :) Things are going well with the baby. 30 weeks along now and only 10 to go. This is starting to seem real! We have been taking baby classes that Jason absolutely loves (or not). They have given us a lot of good information though.

Hope things are going well with everyone.

Enjoy the pics from Memorial Day. We were trying to see who had the bigger "bump" Adam, Andy, or the pregnant one? I think it's a toss up! Clark and Clementine were great to see as always. They forever put smiles on our faces!


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