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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Middle Name

Most people probably wondered how we came up with Austin's middle name. I know we told most of you that we wanted a middle name that started with a "J" so we could call Austin "AJ"...but that didn't work out. All of the middle names we liked that started with a "J" didn't sound right with Austin. So, Jason and I decided that we would each write down a few middle names that we liked and then we would compare our lists. We both wrote down 4 names and amazingly we both had the name Connor on our lists. I took that as a sign that of all the names in the world we both picked that one that he was meant to have that as his middle name. I also liked the meaning of Connor which is wise. Austin means great. Anyways, that might clear things up as to why we don't have an AJ but as Jason's friends have nicknamed him--AC Raiker (for those of you who don't know that comes from Saved by the Bell AC Slater). And now you know :)


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