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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The hectic life of the Raike Household

Well after Christmas and having to get back to work has made for a busy time. Back in the routine of things. This week has been a little less fun than others. Monday night we started having problems with our furnace and by night's end it was no longer working. We had a heater in our room to keep warm but the rest of the house was darn cold, luckily it wasn't subzero weather but not fun nonetheless. So Tuesday morning we had a couple of people come out to check it out and to no avail we ended up having to get a new furnace and decided to go ahead and get the new centrail air unit too. It was really what we wanted to do you know spend a huge chunk of money (that we don't have) on something you really don't even notice. Anyways, we have heat and are back up and running. Today we had a mega snow storm and I was fortunate to have our office closed so I am home with my little man (Austin not Jason). Jason had a slow drive in to work but he made it safe and sound and I am enjoying the day off (and I thought only teachers got snow days! lucky me). So I thought I would put a few updated pictures on here for all of Austin's adoring fans! He is nearly sitting up on his own just needs a little support. We started spoon feeding cereal over a month ago. As you can see he is well nutritioned, we are just about to bump him up to 9-12 month clothes (yeah he'll be 6 months on February 6!) Hope everyone is doing well.


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