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Live Happy Be Happy :)

A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Time has absolutely flown by---I can't believe that Austin is almost 8 months old already. He is growing and changing so much everyday. He is trying to crawl. He is a social butterfly. He can barely stand taking a nap or eating his bottle if anyone is in or near him. He looks all over the place and he is constantly looking for Tressel. We have introduced several vegetables and all is going well there. He doesn't seem to hate any of them (yet). He is very vocal and pretty laid back most of the time. Overall, he is just a happy kid (thank goodness!) He had a rough day yesterday but we figured out the cause. His first tooth is coming through on the bottom front. He didn't appear miserable just a bit cranky so we can only hope to be so lucky throughout that whole process. He likes to give open mouth kisses (I know gross!)--but it is sweet. Tina says he is always trying to kiss the other little girl she babysits for. As you can see from the pictures Austin finally got to meet his newest cousin Ceceilia Elizabeth! She sure is cute and she looks so much like Clark did it is creepy! I might have to call her CJ (Clark Jr). So I know my kid has about the chubbiest cheeks around but check out Cecilia's double chin (she gets that from the Metz side--sorry kid but you learn to live with it). Things have been pretty busy around here but everything is going well. Jason and I are both still employed which is something to be said in these times! Hope that everyone is doing well! Can't wait for the warmer weather to get here and stay here. (then we can all complain about how darn hot it is!)


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