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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Well yet some more time has passed since I've last posted, but where does the time go? Things are still rolling on here. Work is still the same, pretty much met all my new clients so that is good and we are able to work on some stuff now. I have a couple of trainings coming up too, which will hopefully make me just an absolute brilliant human being (ha slight chance). But one is concering Boderline Personality Disorder using Dialectical Behavior Therapy, which is gonna be pretty sweet. If I was smart that's what I'd choose to do down the road, not too widely available around here, but it could really make a difference. The other conference is about CISM, Critical Incident Stress Management, this one would train me to deal with a community wide crisis and stuff like that, I'm thinking it will be pretty cool. Jason is still at ConWay and they have offered him a full time position doing spot quotes, which was pretty much what he was doing before. So a little job security is never a bad thing. They just hooked him up with another raise too, so we'll take it! The wedding plans are coming together well, still a lot to do, but you can only do so much all at once. Andy emailed me and sounds like he is living large and loving lilfe. Adam just turned the old 26 yesterday and Clark is now 5 months. Mary Beth is still working at the church and enjoying the time with her 2 boys. Mom has the summer off (you suck). Dad is still working as hard as ever. Jason recently had his bachelor party, we'll just say that is coulda went a little smoother, but he is a "good human being!" :) "Well until next time, take care of yourselves and each other" (Jerry Springer) ....... I hope this finds everyone in good spirits with a smile on their face!


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