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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

All is Well

Everything is going really well. I just got off a three day weekend, gotta love those holidays. I was able to see Clark who is just a little cuter everytime I see him. He wasn't in the best mood, but he was still pretty good. It's so cool just watching him everytime I get to see him, get a little bigger and more mobile. He was crawling this time, not just scooting with his arms like last time. He is pretty easily entertained and so am I so we were able to make each other laugh! Got to see Adam for a little bit and Mary Beth for a little tiny bit. Grampa, Vic, and I went we had a nice visit and today it's back to the office. Over the weekend we got to watch the Buckeyes suck it up pretty good over at our friends house Steve and Erin. It wasn't the best time we ever had, Steve is a Michigan fan and they also lost so it was a pretty solemn day all in all. Sunday Jason got a round of golf in and I was able to spend a little time with my good friend Rachel. That is about the gist of the weekend. Nothing too much else going on, for right now anyways. I have my allergy test tomorrow morning, yippy skippy, really looking forward to that. Maybe they will fix me though. Hope everyone is doing well! Until next time....


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