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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, October 31, 2005

Doing Well

I haven't really posted lately about how things are going, so you can probably guess that means pretty well. We haven't been up to much, yet at the same time we are staying pretty busy, figure that one out. Last weekend we went to Cleveland to the Browns game, I hadn't been to a game since I was a kid, so Jason sacrificed and took me up there, since it was my birthday and all. What a good husband I have. Then this weekend my parents, Grampa, Aunt Vic, and mother-in-law came to the big town of Toledo and took us out for steaks and showered me with gifts for turning the big 2-5 which may quite frankly be my last birthday, I know most of the time they say 29 is it, but why bother? Just kidding. All in all the Raikes are doing well, living life, and loving every minute of it. This week Jason has a golf outing, his last of the season, he might just freeze his tail off. The countdown is on until the OSU vs michigan game. Other than that I have November 11 off for Veteran's Day, so I'm heading to Columbus to see the nephew growing up everyday. That is it for now..until next time take care and smile because it's not that bad, and it could always be worse.


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