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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, November 07, 2005


Well my official job training starts tomorrow and I will be in downtown Toledo for the next few months. I may not be able to post my randomness like I have been so diligently doing. I know so many of you are really upset about that, not sure that anyone even reads it. However, if I am able to I will continue to do it. So you will need to check in and see for sure. I will be back to the BG office around the holidays and for some on the job training for a couple of weeks in February, other than that it's back to school until the end of March. Then I will be that much smarter, I know hard to believe. Well thought I would let all you know what is going on around here. Jason and I have begun that o so fun process of looking for houses. We will keep you posted if we find something. It would be so great to get something to call our own. Hope everyone is doing well. Don't blink too often because the holiday season will be here before long and you just might miss it since this whole year has already flown by!


Blogger Admin said...

saw ur blog on my referring pages. Thx for droppin by.

12:45 PM  

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