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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas is just around the corner

We are having a holiday lunch here at work today so it's got me in to Christmas spirit, so I thought I would post some facts about Christmas.
-56 percent of Americans sing holiday carols to their pets.
-53 percent of Americans plan to "re-gift" this year.
-1 in 3 men will wait until Christmas Eve to finish their shopping.
-1 in 6 men would like to get rid of all the "gift-giving nonsense."
-A traditional Christmas dinner in early England was the head of a pig prepared with mustard.
-Kris Kringel, a man in his 40s, lives in North Pole, Alaska, and delivers pizzas for a living. He drives a 1984 Ford Tempo. Based on a 1999 estimated population count of North America and Europe, on Christmas Eve of that year Santa Claus had to visit 42,466,666 homes in a 12-hour period -- that's 983 homes per second.
-There are 1.76 billion candy canes produced every year.


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