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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Good News

Well the good news is Jason and I are getting our money back from Mark West, the dude who hosed us on our OSU vs michigan tickets. PayPal is coming through in the end and stepping up refunding the money to everyone involved. That is really cool considering even in the user agreement it states the complaint must be made within 45 days of the purchase, of course that didn't happen in our case since we weren't supposed to be receiving our tickets until 2 weeks before the game, we bought our tickets clear back in August. So the moral of the story is, read all user agreements (like that will happen), or don't spend $400 on football tickets on ebay. I must admit we have since ordered from ebay and have had no trouble and not that PayPal is giving us a refund we will continue to purchase from ebay, but I have no doubt that we won't ever spend that much money on the site again, but hey lesson learned and the Buckeyes won and so everyone is happy. Oh yeah except for those Michigan fans, but who cares about them anyways :) I thought that on this topic I would post some facts and figures about other scams going around, and one of the biggest these days is identity theft, so beware.

This is just in one state:(OHIO)
Over 4,000 in the United States over 161,000
Top Cities: Of course where we all live
1. Cleveland
2. Columbus
3. Cincinnati

4. Dayton
5. Toledo

It is easy to get sucked into these scams and they can come any which way, phone, in person, and via email. Word of caution, don't carry your social security card with you and have it taken off of your license.
Hope everyone is doing well!


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