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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Little by Little

We are getting the house in some sort of order, little by little, I have been trying to work on it for a short time every night. That makes it seem not so overwhelming, and so far so good. I am still struggling with my back, but the fact that I continue to do a little something probably isn't helping matters, but I don't have time for this. We hope to get all the border up this weekend so then that phase will be officially over with for now. It's starting to come together nicely, starting to get that "come in, sit down, and make yourself comfortable feel," that I strive to have. On the flip side. Jason and I are planning a vacation for the final week of May. We are contemplating a cruise, well more like we've decided we would like to take a cruise. I never really thought I would have much interest going on one, but from what I hear it is something everyone should experience at least once. It looks like the Bahamas just might be our destination, not 100% sure, but it really does seem like a pretty neat idea. Something that we have both never done, and honestly if we don't go now, we will probably never get the opportunity to again. We also plan to get Tressel in about a week and a half. So on that note, anyone want to dog/house sit the end of May while we are gone? :) Hope that everyone is doing well.


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