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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Busy busy. Things are going well at the Raike household. Jason's mom is on a cruise right now, she called yesterday as she was sipping back some margaritas. Yeah we felt pretty sorry for her too. Friday night I went out with a couple of girls I used to work with, it is always good to visit with them and catch up. Saturday, mom and I ran a garage sale at my Grampa's. We did pretty good, I think we sold a total of like 500 bucks, so that is pretty good. Always nice to unload some junk and nice knowing people can use it. There is a lot left though so my mom is planning on opening it up again. That will give me time to go through some more stuff, mainly clothes, as we all know I have way too many. Satyurday night we headed downtown to the Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner with Chad and Missi, then headed over to the Mud Hens game. It was a perfect night to watch a game. The game was great, lots of hits and the Hens won. After the game, they had a nice fireworks display that we always enjoy watching. Yesterday, it was more yardwork. We got it in just in time before the rain started. It is coming along quite nicely. The bad thing is there is quite a bit more that needs done, but day by day, step by step, we are gaining on it. Our neighbors have even commented on how nice it is starting to look, that is a nice feeling. They are coming to get the leaves and some branches sometime this week, so that will help make it look better. We still have some junk to unload that the prior people left, so we are gaining on it. Jason was ambitious yesterday, he helped cut up some wood, went to the gym, then came home and ran. Tressel is good, Jason and Slim wore him out Friday night from the sounds of it, keeping him awake until 2 am, while they watched wrestling and played Ps2. He is quite the little entertainer. Hope that everyone is doing well and has a great start to the week!


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