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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Enough Rain Already!

Alright, I know that rain is good for the crops and flowers and all that stuff, but come on enough already! I think we all just got spoiled with the early spring weather so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. This nasty weather though has been getting to my allergies and sinuses. I see the specialist this Wednesday so I hope that he will be able to get me under control. This weekend was pretty relaxing for Jason and I. Friday night we watched Cinderella Man, a good movie, if you get a chance you should watch it. Saturday, Steve, Erin, and Seth came up. Always good to see them. Seth is walking around like crazy and starting to babble dadada, which of course Erin hates :) Erin and I headed to Kohl's (bad idea), haha but I did have a 15% off coupon. Sunday I was down again with the sinus problems in my head. So, it was a lazy day for me and Tressel and Jason just lounged and watched some television. Less than a week though and we are outta here for the Bahamas for 5 days! I can't wait, seems like forever ago we set everything up and here it is already. I just hope it ISN"T raining there! Hope everything has a good start to your week!


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