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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Signs that make you smile

Wednesday is here, it is super nice weather out today! Can't beat it. Well I thought that I would post on here some of the signs that I have hanging up at home, that kind of make you feel good and make you smile. I was looking through a catalog last night too that had a few more I would eventually like to get. So here are some we have hanging up.
-Live Well Laugh Often Love Much
-Live Life Joyfully
-Live in such a way that if someone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it.
-Scatter Kindness
-Be Nice or Go Away
-Always kiss me goodnight

Some others that I would like to get sometime.
-There is always always always something to be thankful for
-Live Happily Ever After
-Home is where you story begins
-Do something every day that makes you happy
-Count your blessings


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