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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Catching up

Well is has been way too long since I have posted. Partially being lazy and the other portion I have been busy. I don't like to say I've been busy as an excuse because we all hear it far too often, the way I see it none of us are that busy! Anyways, to bring you up to date with what has been going on with Jason and I...We took our first cruise May 21 to the Bahamas. We had a great time, we were a little disappointed though with the Bahamas, wasn't exactly what we were expecting. Very poverty stricken and not so glorious. Nonetheless we had a good time. The ship itself was a lot of fun. We took Carnival Cruise Lines and we were on the Sensation ship. The first night we were pretty worn out from the flight and shuttle ride, just a long day. We were able to check out some of the stuff onboard though. Whoever thought of the cruise was a genious. Let's allow people to drink as much as they want, charge them an arm and a leg, but not let them drive anywhere. Oh yeah, and let's put a casino onboard so when they drink too much they will go and lost all their money. We went on a glass-bottom boat ride in Freeport Bahamas, it was neat not worth the money though. Then in Nassau we went to Atlantis Resort and we took a horse and carriage ride through the town which was pretty neat. I have some pictures to scan on here for you to see, gotta mess with our scanner a little though, gotta love technology. We watched a lot of karaoke and a bunch of shows and stuff. The last day on the ship we had about 30 bucks cash left so we decided to try our luck at the casino. Well I was up about 10 bucks and Jason was down about 15 bucks. I was playing the quarter slots and he came over and put 2 bucks in the slot machine next to me. After about 3 times he was up about 50 bucks before we knew it he went again and ended up winning over 300 bucks, then I gave him 25 bucks to play BlackJack and he won another 50 bucks. Needless to say we were pretty happy people, since the trip itself was becoming more expensive than we had planned on. That was a great way to end the trip for sure. We got back on Thursday night, we then headed to Columbus Saturday morning, to meet up with my brother, Mary Beth and of course Clark! We met them at Eddie George's Grill. Pretty cool place. Jason's favorite part was the bathroom where he was able to pee on a steelplated Michigan football and watch a flat screen tv at the same time. Later that night we met up with our friends Chad and Missi to get a nice Italian dinner at this Buca de Bepos, I have no idea if that is how you spell that or not. Then we headed over to the Columbus Crew stadium for the best concert I have ever been to. We watched Sugarland, Dierks Bentley, and the one and only Kenny Chesney! That was one heck of a show! We had a great time! By far my favorite concert, followed by Toby Keith. Jason ended up getting sick and so Memorial Day I headed to my parents house in Defiance for a day with the family. Always good to see everyone! This weekend we headed over to Liberty Center to a bday party for little Seth Navarre who turned 1. He now has enough toys to furnish an entire pre-school class I think. Today I headed over to Defiance again to visit little Clark who is staying with my parents for the week (pray for him :) ha-ha), as Adam and Mary Beth oversee a work camp in Columbus. I think it is awesome that they are doing it right in Columbus, lots of work to be done right here in our hometowns! In the midst of all of this, we have found out that my Grampa has the start of emphysema. He recently got out of the hospital because he came down with a case of pneumonia. He is recovering quite well though. And to the surprise of the family, my Grampa (the smartest man alive) stopped smoking. This is a man who has smoked for probably 60 years. He gave it up cold turkey. I know too little too late, but not really. He is already breathing better and he isn't coughing. It is amazing, the man is 77 years old. He has some strong will-power and I really respect him for that, we all of course wish he stopped years ago, but as they say better late than never. This week I am starting another bout of training at work. I have 10 days of advanced training to help me along. Shouldn't be too bad. The job is going really well. I love what I do, and I am so happy about how my life is right now. I have a husband who loves me, a family who supports me, a job that I enjoy, a puppy that makes me laugh, and a nice house to live in. I truly am blessed! Hope you all are doing well!


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