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Monday, July 24, 2006

Things on the Up and Up

I am glad to report that things are finally getting better for Jason and I. Most of our problems have been resolved and depleted. The cable deal has been straightened out and our dispute for almost 300 bucks for adult movies has been approved and we are not going to have to pay for that which is nice considering we never ordered them in the first place. I am convinced that it was an inside job and someone working there was doing it, awful funny that they seemed to not believe us but at the same time they are waiving the charges, I think that they know more than they are leading on, but oh well we are good to go there. Our central air has finally been fixed, despite having about 10 days of about 100 degrees before that. We have been loving that though lately let me tell you!
The situation with our bank account is about 98% completed. Not sure what is happening with the investigation or anything but the bank was very helpful in getting everything taken care of for us. Bank at Sky Bank (that's for you Erin) they were more than helpful in helping us resolve that situation.
The best news of the weekend though was that Jason got a hole in 1 on Saturday playing golf. He was playing with Jeremy in Wauseon on a course called Ironwood. He was on hole 6 which is a par 3 and drove it 157 yards to victory. Needless to say he was a tad bit excited. See the pictures on his website.
So after quite a string of bad luck things are starting to get better for us. Hope that everyone is doing well!


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