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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

We even got my Grampa to the top of the stadium, my 77 year old grampa with breathing problems, I was impressed if we ever do it again, we are taking the elevator for him! He hadn't been to a game in probably 15 years and never at the new stadium, so it was neat for him. He can't see too well but Adam announced the play by play for him! Grampa told me he was glad he got to go, but he told my mom he would never do it again! Ha-ha Posted by Picasa


Blogger The Metzes said...

I can't believe that you posted this picture and didn't say something about the way that Ralph looks like the Texas Chainsaw murderer. He doesn't take the best pictures, that's for sure.

10:47 AM  

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