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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well our little guy gave us a little scare this week. On Monday I had the day off for Columbus Day so my plan was to just stay home and enjoy some mommy time with Austin. Well I did that but poor little guy started projectile vomitting all day. It was awful. I had to take him to the doctor anyways for his 2 month check up and so I mentioned the vomitting and we just figured it was a bug and that it would go away. So the doctor checked him out and he looked healthy. He is up to almost 12.5 pounds and is 24 inches long (he was born 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 in long) so he is growing great. So there wasn't a big concern there. We did unfortnately have to put him on medication though for acid reflux. Well Monday night was no better and Tuesday Jody came up to spoil the little guy. I called her from work and she said that he was still doing the projectile vomitting so I called the doctor right away and they said there was a chance that he could have a condition called pyloric stenosis. Yeah, not cool. The doctor mentioned this on Monday but she said normally if kids get it spikes between 3 weeks to a month old so we thought he was past that point. Well just to be sure the doctor recommended that we take him to get an ultrasound that day. So I asked the doctor if it was that condition....then what?? She said well the treatment is surgery and they would probably do it today. Holy crap---not what I was expecting. I bolted home pretty quickly got the little guy, said a quick prayer, and Jody and I headed to the hospital for his ultrasound. Good news was he didn't have the condition. I decided it best for me to stay home with him on Wednesday just to be sure he was going to be okay and make sure he was hydrated. He seriously slept for like 20 hours. When he was awake though he was smiling and you can see that from some of the pictures. He has been okay since and he must of just had some sort of bug. Strange thing was he was never really fussy and he didn't have a fever. So now we are just working on getting the acid reflux under control. Needless to say we were very relieved and are loving every minute with him even more!

On another note...Jason headed off to Florida today. He hopes to play some tennis, golf, and relax a little.


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