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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Hiccups are caused by a spasm of the diaprhagm.
Here are some cures I've heard of and found posted.
-My Grampa says to drink 9 gulps of water. (He is a smart guy so naturally that is the one I use)
Mental Cures
-Think of all the bald men you can.
-Tell yourself "I'm not going to hiccup again."
- Don't do anything; just wait for the next hiccup.
- Close your eyes and visualize a neon sign, like a movie marquee; see the word "THINK" blinking on and off; concentrate on the sign and make the word blink as fast as possible.

Using your Breath Cures
- Swallow air.
-Induce a cough or sneeze.
-Relax and breathe from your diaphragm.
-Inhale and exhale once a second for two minutes.
-Blow on your thumb (as if you were blowing up a balloon).
-Hold your breath (for 8 seconds, for as long as you can, etc.).
-Inhale some air into your stomach, then let out as loud a belch as possible.
-Cough and continue to blow until your lungs are empty; repeat three times.
-Carefully inhale; pause briefly; carefully exhale; pause briefly; repeat this several times.
-Inhale deeply; hold your breath for a slow count to twenty; exhale slowly; repeat three or more times

Cures you can do by yourself with no tools
-Don't swallow. .

-Say "pineapple."
-Stand on your head.
-Make yourself vomit.
-Talk non-stop for ten seconds.
-Scream for as long as you can.

-Hold your tongue with your thumb and index finger and gently pull it forward.
Cures that involve a tool or prop
-Chew gum.
-Take a hot bath.

-Pinch your nose shut while you drink water.
-Gargle (this can also be done with mouthwash).
-Take a big sip of water, bend over and swallow it.
-Drink a glass of water while someone presses your ears closed.
-Drink two glasses of water slowly, at about half your normal rate.


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