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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Lots to see and do

I was able to take advantage of an extra day off and got to spend some time with lots of important people to me. My mom and Grampa came and picked me up Thursday after work and we headed down to Columbus to see my favorite nephew and Adam and MaryBeth. We got to spend a lot of time with a happy little Clark. He will be walking before we know it. It's amazing just seeing the small things that he has learned. He is a pretty bright kid. I also got to see Cara and Krista for a little while Friday night, good to kick back with old friends and see how things have changed. I also got to see Meredith and my other family the Peffleys for a brief period on Saturday. Then I got to bond with my Aunt Vic who took me from Defiance to Liberty Center, it is always good spending time with her, we can always laugh about work stuff because "we can relate." Then Jason and I hung out with Steve, Erin, and Seth. We played some Trivial Pursuit and realized we aren't as smart as we would have hoped we were, but we did have a good time. With the holidays fast approaching I reflect on how lucky we are as human beings and how lucky Jason and I are to have such supoorting families. We are lucky enough to be close by both of our families so we can spend time with both of them. Jason loves Thanksgiving where I am more a Christmas gal, but nonetheless I am looking forward to our first holiday season as married old farts. It will be neat, and the older I get the more I seem to enjoy the holidays and I value the time that I get to spend with both of our families. We are indeed blessed, and in that, we need to remember those who aren't so lucky this holiday season and get involved with some sort of local charity. I have been in the field and seen the families who would not have a holiday if it weren't for those around them willing to give with open hearts. I challenge you all to go through your old coats, (I know mom myself included), give them to Coats for Xmas, and if your financial situation allots it, try and donate either toys, food, money or whatever you can so others might feel at least blessed for a day or two, make yourself feel good, by making someone else's dreams come true. I hope that everyone has a good week. Keep checking in for my useless posts throughout the week. Back to training tomorrow, only 12 weeks left. However, only 6 days until our OSU vs michigan game! Live, Love, Laugh!


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