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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas Bliss

Well, as usual Christmas has come and gone so quickly it seems quicker every year. Jason and I were able to enjoy our first Christmas together as the Raikes. We are so lucky to have so many people who love and care for us, we got so many nice things, I can't even express our thanks to our family for everything they got us, we are indeed blessed. I really like to see the face of my family when they open the gifts we got them, that alone is a thanks. I love Christmas time, being able to give to those who mean so much to us, it's a great time of the year. I got some really neat old toys, some cookbooks, cds, dvd sets, KEITH URBAN tickets, scrapbook/card set for the computer, Braylon Edwards jersey, Fiesta Bowl t-shirt, Kewpee doll, shoes, Crock Pot, some really neat Ireland stuff from my aunt and lil bro. That is just the tip of the iceberg, there was a lot more than that, again thanks to everybody! It's times like this when I am constantly reminded of just how lucky I am. This was also Clark's first Christmas, he seemed to be just as enthused about the wrapping paper as he was his actual presents, but he was having a good time nonetheless. He has taken an extreme liking to Andy though, since Andy helped mom watch him while Adam and Mary Beth were on vacation, he would barely leave Andy's arms all day, pretty funny stuff, of course his aunt was a tad jealous, but I did get to hold him a little bit so I'm not complaining. As the year draws to a close, I sit and think about how much has happened in 2005. It started out just great with Clark being born on January 7th. Then in May, Andy went to New York and then headed out over seas to take part in his adventure, then Jason and I getting married in July. Then in September, I started my new job which is going really well. Also, recently Andy got promoted at his job. All is well with the Metz/Raike kids. This will be a pretty hard year to top! A lot of amazing things happened again all going back to how lucky we are.


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