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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Well, as I have moved from doing Social Work (which required at least some walking) to the world of Social Security (requires walking to the printer to get your copies), I have learned that my thighs and butt are starting to mold to form to the structure of my chair. Yeah not having it, so I am getting myself (trying to get myself) motivated again to get back into shape. Jason and I have just joined a new gym that fits me a little better, they have a track, volleyball courts, basketball hoops, classes, and more. Rather than our old gym which basically had only weights and big macho guys who stood around like they owned the place. At any rate, I stole this quote from my mentor's mother but I think it might be one of the funniest things I've heard. Exercising is like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, it feels so good when you stop! That is funny stuff. But it really is true, working out sucks when you are doing it, but when you are finished physically you feel better and mentally you realize you have accomplished your goal. So, the hardest part is getting started and getting into that routine, once you get into the routine you are good to go. I thought with the new year fast approaching and resolutions not far from the corner, I would put some facts on here about that and hopefully my exercising won't be a resolution because by that time it should have already become a HABIT!
-40-50% of Americans make New Year's Resolutions
----20% keep them
----80% break them
------Odds aren't exactly in your favor huh?
- The vast majority of resolutions fall into three categories: losing weight, quitting smoking, and starting an exercise program.
Four suggestions that this website say will help, take it as you will.
1. Start with realistic goals
2. Supplement your annual "resolution" with near-term goals
3. Create plans for success.
4. Create a plan for slips and setbacks.
The website goes into each of these more specifically if anyone is interested.
So now you know, there is no reason not to follow through, ha-ha. Easier said than done, I speak from experience! Have a great day!


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