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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Word to the Wise

Well here is just a little heads up to everyone that uses those handy dandy Toilet wands to clean your toilet. Make sure you DON'T FLUSH THEM on accident. Yeah after $100 lesson I learned that accidents can be costly. I was cleaning the toilet the other day and flushed the toilet to get down to the nitty gritty and get it clean, well unfortunately I bought some cheap ones and the little sucker fell off and down it went. Well 2 days later still having mass problems with the toilet, called the plumber. Man, we need to learn how to do this stuff ourselves. So a very good lesson learned at a very high price for the 10 minutes that these two dudes wreaking of smoke, BO, and probably other people's feces, were at the apartment, easy money for them, hard lesson learned for me. Anyways, here are some toilet facts for you. Stuff other people have flushed down the ole hole.
-Deoderizers that hang from the bowl
-half a dozen toys
-center piece to the toilet paper holder
-I'm sure that there is so much more but duty calls, well I mean I need to get back to work. Break is over. Have a good day and be careful what you flush!


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