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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Well, we signed some paperwork last night and Jason didn't pass out so that was a good thing. Although, when we close that might be another story. Some people say though it doesn't seem real until you are actually in the house, so we are pretty much looking forward to that time. Our lease of our apartment isn't up until March, so we have a pretty good length of time to get everything settled, cleaned, and painted before we move some of our stuff in. However, my older brother says once we get in there and see all that space we won't be able to stand living at the apartment any longer, so he's probably right. We will probably try and get the bedrooms and a good majority painted right away so we can get somewhat moved in. We are in the process of getting Jason his big screen tv too, and that is too big for our apartment, so as soon as we get that, I have a feeling that the bed and a lot of our stuff will be loaded up and moved to the new house. I think I mentioned it before but we are moving less than 1/2 mile from where we live right now, which will make the moving process a lot easier. It will still be a pain in the butt because moving always is, and for this chica who moved into a dorm room and it took 3 car loads to get all my stuff in there, you can only imagine how much stuff I have now. I am heading to good old Defiance this weekend to go through some things that my parent's and little brother are so graciously letting me store there, I believe it was "as soon as you get a house it's outta here though!" Nah, I do have a lot of stuff there and I'm sure a good part of that isn't something that I need any longer, so we are going to have one massive Garage Sale this spring that is for sure, hey any little extra money helps, we'll take what we can get. It is all so exciting and it has just moved so quickly, now we are pretty much just getting quotes for home owner's insurance and then we are waiting to get writer's cramp signing all that paperwork. Hopefully this summer, if not before we can have a get together for everyone to come up. I'm sure it will be bring a dish get together, because I am still in the "learning to cool process," so it may not be in anyone's best interest to eat what I make. I'm just kidding, I'm learning slowly but surely, I'll take care of it. Hope you are all doing well.


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