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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Jason is a TV Star

Well, they caught the guy who hosed us on our Ohio State tickets. The guy was camped out in a hotel in Florida. Jason got interviewed by our local news station last night and was on the 11 o'clock news, he was a pretty happy man. He was a little worried though that the news crews would be bothering me all the time when he wasn't there though after his big debut! At least he has kept a mild head in this ha-ha. He did a good job. I'll post the write up from the story. Also, I will post the article from the guys wife, turns out this guy is a real piece of work.

Fans React to Ticket Scam Suspect's Arrest
FOSTORIA -- Mark West, the Fostoria man accused in a massive eBay ticket scam is expected to appear in court later this week to find out when he can come back to Northwest Ohio. He was arrested Saturday, in Daytona Beach, FL after being on the run from authorities here for two months. Meanwhile, people who fell victim to the scam he's accused of running say they want to see justice done.
Jason Raike and his wife were two of many people who fell for the scam surrounding tickets to the Ohio State Michigan football game on November 19th last year. Raike has never been to an Ohio State football game, but he's a big fan, and when he saw tickets for the "big game" for sale on eBay, he said, "I showed my bosses the tickets. They thought it was a really good deal, and you know going through PayPal, I thought everything checked out."
Raike decided to go for it three months before the November game day. "I just bought a ticket for me and my wife, and it was $414 with shipping," said Raike. Raike never made it to the game because he never received the tickets from West.
Since then, Raike like many others in Ohio and across the country, has received a refund from Paypal, eBay's secure payment service. Meantime, West has been arrested. Raike said, "the fact that he's caught, hopefully he gets what he deserves to be honest with you."
Raike and his wife have made purchases on eBay since they were scammed, but Raike said, "it's just little items that cost $10." He said he'll have to really think about spending more than that on eBay in the future.
With Super Bowl XL coming up next month, the Better Business Bureau warns we could see even more ticket scams. No matter what, the BBB stresses if you're buying tickets online, you're taking a risk. If you take that risk, they encourage you use a credit card instead of a debit card because credit cards tend to offer better protection in case of fraud.
Another option according to the BBB would be legitimate ticket brokerage firms, which are often listed in the phone book. Always do your homework and check out the firms with the BBB.
Counterfeit tickets are also being made up at home, on personal computers and printers, something else the BBB wants people to know.
Super Bowl XL will be held on Sunday, February 5th at Detroit's Ford Field.

Mark West's Wife Calls Marriage "A Big, Fat Lie"
(Fostoria, OH) --- Federal agents caught Mark West over the weekend at a hotel bar in Florida, the missing Fostoria man believed to have scammed more than $200,000 from people on eBay. Those people were promised game tickets, including the big OSU-Michigan game last November.
It turns out those people weren't the only ones conned. Terrie West, his wife, considers herself more than a woman scorned --- She says she's a woman scammed, just like those ticket buyers.
In an exclusive interview, Mark West's wife says he lied to her every day over their two-year marriage --- a recovering alcoholic she says who got drunk on the love of easy money
"I lost four years of my life with a person I didn't even know," Terrie West said.
Terrie and Mark West met through Alcoholics Anonymous four years ago. Their first date: a Halloween dance. But Terrie now says their two-year marriage turned out to be nothing short of a horror story --- Her husband leading a double-life of lies and deception.
"He was so convincing," Terrie said. "There wasn't any verbal abuse, no arguing, no anything. He was very loving and kind to me."
Terrie now says the lies started big, and only got bigger. West told his wife he had Lou Gehrig's disease and a good job. Terrie says both turned out untrue
"I got him up for work every morning at 7:30," she recalled. "I go to work at eight, I got him up so he could get ready for work --- two years, two years, he never worked."
So did she marry a con artist?
"Yes I did," Terrie admitted. "I'll tell you what, that's some humble pie."
Terrie says the lies started to catch up with Mark West in mid-November, when customers never got tickets to the OSU-Michigan game. Mark West went south, leaving her to deal with angry callers. She had to flee their Fostoria apartment, when death threats started appearing at their door.
"One call we got from a gentleman in California who was bringing his father or somebody to the game of their dreams," she recalled. "I guess he must not have been in very good health. Those were the kind of calls we were getting."
West is now charged with phone fraud and theft, his victims 150 and counting for more than $200,000.
Then Terrie heard more about her husband, like an NBC-24 report that West had done hard time for armed robbery: for pressing a knife to a clerk at a Bowling Green gas station in 1987, all for $200.
"He told me he went to prison for 11-1/2 years because he beat the crap out of somebody who had killed his brother," she says.
Terrie says it makes her sick to know her husband was bumming on a Florida beach with other people's money, while she spent eight weeks wondering if he was even alive She never heard from him the whole time. But Terrie does hope to see Mark West one more time.
"I've been thinking about that-- do I want to see him and part of me does, because I want to ask him why? Why did you do this to all of us?" she said.
The only answer she has at this point is about her marriage to Mark West.
"It was all one big, fat lie," she says. "I didn't know this person at all."
Terrie West says she plans to get their marriage annulled, if she's even legally married to Mark West. Terrie says her husband told her his second wife died of breast cancer. But federal agents told her she's alive and well, living in Columbus.


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