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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

House Update

The inspection went pretty good on the house on Saturday, nothing too major. We are waiting to hear back from the sellers to see if they can fix a couple of things for us, hope to know by the end of today what's going on with that. They need to let us know by Friday at the latest. So, things are moving along pretty well there. I did go out on Monday with mom, Vic, Grampa, and Vic's friend Jewell on Monday to Home Depot, Lowes, and I hit up Menards to look at some paint. I got a pretty good idea about what I want to go in which room. Jason only vetoed one color and I got a maybe on another, so all in all not too bad, since I have a rather bright sense of style. We are also in the process of checking out prices on refrigerators. It sucks being a grown up. It really will be so nice to have a place of our own. I'm so sick and tired of the upstairs neighbors walking back and forth across the floor incessantly, could drive a person bonkers. So, that is just one bonus of getting out of there. We know that we will be home bodies for quite awhile not having much extra cash flow to do anything and we probably won't want to leave our house ever knowing what we have gotten ourselves into! :) We are also in the hunt on scoring a deal on a big screen tv, I know a house and all that comes with that and we run out and buy a big screen tv that is not a necessity (well Jason thinks it is), but if we don't get one now, we will never be able to do it, so we have decided we are going to get one. Plus, since we will never leave our house again it might entice people to come over and at least watch some sports with Jason or play some playstation. I will continue to keep you all updated, pray that it all works out, we are hoping so. We are also thinking about getting a dog shortly after we move in, that will be exciting, we have wanted one for awhile so that will be nice to consider. Then I can tell everyone to get off my back about having kids because we will have enough to worry about. Just kidding, Jody! All in due time all in due time! Have a great day everyone! Thanks for checking in!


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