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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Friday, January 06, 2006


Here are some signs that I found on a website, pretty funny, give you a good laugh for a Friday! Hope you all have a great weekend. Heading to Columbus for Clark's first birthday tomorrow, how crazy is that, he is 1 already! Take care!

-Sign in downtown Detroit on the Fisher building door: "Caution: Automatic Door (push to operate)"
J-ust outside Houston there are two signs about five feet apart:
State correctional facility, do not pick up hitch-hikers.Adopt a highway litter control next mile: Boy Scout Den 102
-In Rice Lake, WI is a billboard on the side of a local road advertising for "The Butcher Shop". Right behind the sign...a graveyard.

-A sign outside a furniture store in northern Virginia states (in large letters)"ANTIQUE Tables Made Here Daily."
-In a small town in North Carolina there is a junk yard that has a huge sign on the front of the building that says, "Drive Reckless! It Helps Business!"
-For the Stupid signs section: I have repeatedly seen the same banner on bus stop benches all over Sacramento, California. They read simply, "Learn to Read. Call xxx-xxxx"
-Stupid Signs: I was driving by a KFC and on their marquee it said: "Now Hiring: 2 Chickens for $5.99."
-While driving through a small town I noticed a sign that said, "FOR SALE: BUY OWNER"
-As I was driving down the Strip in Las Vegas I noticed a sign on a small run-down motel:"This motel highly recommended by owner."
-In Ocean Springs, MS, there is a sign that reads "speed limit 25mph unless otherwise posted." Right below it, another sign reads, "Speed limit 30 mph."
-This was seen several years ago, also from the Atlanta Vasectomy Clinic, and was in reference to the Atlanta Braves baseball team... "Atlanta Vasectomy Clinic, Atlanta's best Chop Shop!"
-While on a vacation in Maine, we visited a water park. To help people who didn't want to stay wet, there was a sign pointing to the changing areas. Right below that sign, which pointed left, there was another one for a viewing area, which -- you guessed it, also pointed left. I wonder who the genius was who designed the park?
Found these on this website:


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