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Friday, January 27, 2006

Under the Weather

I haven't been feeling too hot the past few days, I broke down and went to a "new" doctor this morning. She was alright, turns out as suspected I have an upper respitory infection. So got I got some antibiotics and was told to use my inhaler more often, which my mom constantly gets on my case about. I hate using it because I would just rather conquer it on my own, but not going to happen this time, so I will have to suck it up and start using it. I am set to go to Defiance tomorrow and sort through stuff I'm storing there, unless I start to feel worse I am planning on going and getting it over with. Sunday will probably be a relaxing day for us, with no plans as of yet, probably just church in the morning and Jason will find some sporting even to watch all day, and I'll probably just lay back and rest and relax. I hope that everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend!


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