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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Well in keeping with the theme of the past few days, I have given credit to Jason and my family for all their love and support, and I don't want my friends to be left out because they are super important to me as well. I am blessed to have quite a few friends and a lot that I consider myself really close to. I know that my friends would be there for me in a drop of a hat. How do I know this? They have been all along. I have only a few friends left that I am tight with from high school and growing up and I am so lucky to have those few, sometimes that is better because you know who will always be there for you. I have made some new friends along the way in college and work. I have known these people fewer years but the friendships that I have established are irrplaceable. I have such a strong support sytem. I am indeed blessed with the people that God has put in my life. I learn a lot from my friends and I hope the same is true with them, that they learn and can count on me. That is huge to me, being a good friend, being reliable and just being there when they need me. I read a sign in a book that said something to the effect of "Be the person who if anyone said something bad about you, no one would believe it." I want to be that person that tries to do the right thing and be the one my friends can count on. I want to be this person because I am lucky that my friends were supportive of me when things weren't going my way, when I was down in the dumps and just plain stressed out. Sometimes a friend being there to just make you laugh can make all the difference in the world. As we grow older, our friendships change. Not for the worse, just change. You don't see them as often and keeping in touch seems to become more difficult. That is one reason I do this blog so my friends/family that I don't talk to all the time are able to know a little bit about what is going on. I've also noticed, the friends that I have the strongest bond with are the ones that I don't necessarily talk to every day. But the funny thing is, we pick up right where we left off the last time we talked. Character-Be true to yourself, your friends, and your Word! Yeah I want to be that kind of friend and that kind of person!


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