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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 06, 2006


This weekend for Jason and I was pretty busy. We aren't used to having people come to our place, because our apartment was so small everyone had to literally sit on top of each other. We did entertain about 7 people 2 kids and the in-laws, which the in-laws came to work so they didn't have much fun. It was nice of everyone to come up though and see our place. I hope that next time they all come up the house will be in complete order. I worked on the living room all day yesterday and made some pretty good progress. Jody and I were able to get the border done on Saturday so now I can saturate the walls with the few things I have to hang up, alright more like the few million things that I have. Overall, a very good and a very productive weekend. This weekend we get to go and get Tressel, so the task at hand for this week is to get everything put away or at least out of site, so he has no chance of wandering into my stuff and chewing/pooping/peeing in/on something. We are excited about getting him, we realize it will be a chore for a little while, but in the end nonetheless it will be nice to have him as an addition to our family. Plus it will give my mother-in-law something to take pictures of and show to all her work buddies since she isn't getting grandchildren right away :) Hope that everyone had a great weekend! Oh yeah by the way, when is the good weather coming and staying for awhile? It is snowing here today, what in the world.


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