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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ohio State

Well I will start this post on a bit of an disappointed note. It appears as though the Raike family has been scammed out of some tickets to this weekend's big game. If you haven't heard there is a guy in Fostoria who reportedly sold 100's of tickets and to our knowledge at least 70 people have filed complaints with the Fostoria police department who are in the same boat as us, meaning NO TICKETS. Needless to say, my husband is not the happiest camper right now, but we usually take things in stride and realize that this isn't the worst thing that could happen. That doesn't mean that we are still not irritated about the whole situation and that we won't be getting our money back, that just means we will make alternate plans to watch the game and deal with this one step at a time. So on that note I warn anyone buying anything on EBay to make sure the person you are dealing with is shipping your order within 20 days of payment recieved. That is somewhere in that user agreement that no one ever reads and people are not supposed to pre-sell tickets, news to us. This guy had 100% approval ratings, which in the last week has bombed severely, but needless to say, the Raikes appear to be watching the game on the big screen with our good friends Steve and Erin who also got ripped off in this guys scam.
Here is a copy of an article that was in a local paper for you to read.
FOSTORIA -- For many it's simply called "The Game." Ohio State and Michigan meet on the football field this weekend at the Big House in Ann Arbor. But some fans are concerned they won't get their tickets in time, even though they paid for them months ago on the online auction site eBay.
At least 50 people who say they bought tickets on eBay, some as far back as June, feel they've been ripped off. "The tickets were $799 plus $15 for shipping, so $814 is what I put on my credit card," said Greg Boring. He bought four tickets to the Ohio State Vs. Michigan game on eBay, months ago. Today, he's still waiting on those tickets.
Boring, like many other ticket buyers, said he was promised the tickets would be mailed to him two weeks in advance. eBay buyers filed more than 50 complaints on the web site over the weekend, claiming the seller, Mark West of Fostoria, ripped them off.
News 11 went to Fostoria to find West. In the parking lot of West's apartment complex, News 11 ran into one man, who wanted to remain anonymous. The man said he was so upset over his game tickets that he drove from Columbus to Fostoria to question West. "I just kind of knocked on the door and he was very polite, opened the door, and you know I just said I'd like to talk about the ticket thing and after 20 minutes of talking with him I said to myself, wow, this is a very big misunderstanding."
"I've been shipping tickets for weeks now. In fact, I've been shipping tickets for years with no problems and people are going to get their tickets. If their tickets don't arrive, they'll get their money," said Mark West.
West said the tickets are just slow coming in, and he said he was out of town, visiting family when the complaints on eBay surfaced, and now, he can't even respond to his buyers. "I got on the computer, and eBay has already kicked me off of eBay," said West.
West even made the top story in the Fostoria newspaper, something he's not very happy about: "It doesn't seem very fair being that the game is not even here yet," said West.
West said he sold a couple hundred tickets to the Ohio State Vs. Michigan game. He said he's confident everyone who bought tickets from him on eBay will receive them before the game this weekend.
Fostoria Police were not available for comment. They did say an investigation is underway


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