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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Turkey Day

Well overall we had a really nice holiday despite it being extremely cold, windy, and snowy. We went to Defiance on Thursday and spend the day with my side of the family. We went over to my paren'ts house early so we could spend some time with Adam, Mary Beth, and Clark, but we really only got to see Clark. Adam and Mary Beth both came down with the stomach flu and weren't up much for hanging out, but at least we were able to take care of Clark for them and we took him over to my aunt's so he was able to enjoy his first Thanksgiving Day meal. As usual he was the little entertainer. Then I worked on Friday but not before going out and braving the crowds who were out shopping. Then the two sickies were feeling much better so they made it up with Grampa and Clark Friday night to hang out a little bit and to see our apartment, we had a good visit. Jason went out to eat with his parents since his mom had to work on Thanksgiving, so we both got some needed family time which is always extra nice around the holidays. Saturday we laid low for most of the day and today much of the same, catching up on laundry and dishes oh what fun. I did get some new craft tools that I have been playing with for some of the day too. The Browns are really sucking right now so I am not too interested in watching them throw yet another interception. Anyways, next weekend is Jason's birthday the big 26, glad that he is older than me. Hope everyone has recovered from the family bonding time and also from eating way too much. Hope this finds you all in good spirits!


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