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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Well, most of you who really know me, know that I enjoy watching people and human behavior. I have noticed a lot of strange things. I thought I would put a few down that I have observed while people are driving a car. This started yesterday on my drive to work, I saw a car with the "Power of Pink" ribbon on it in support of breast cancer research and survivors, well driving the car was a woman smoking a cigarette. I was like, wait a second, you support breast cancer research and you are inhaling one of the most lethal things known. Something didn't make sense to me, breast cancer is something that you can't really get away from, genetics play a big part, they say that diet could help decrease your chances but then at the same time another study contradicts that, anyways; this lady who either knows someone with breast cancer, maybe survived it, or wants a cure to be developed so she doesn't get it, is smoking a cigarette (by choice) that could one day lead to lung cancer. Anyways, enough about that tangent. Some strange things I've observed: Well the one that sticks out the most is the guy we saw driving on I-75 playing his guitar (you can't make this stuff up), my old roommate Jana and I were driving somewhere and we were like what the heck. We've all seent he guy gold-diggin (not like the Kanye West song) picking his nose and digging for something good. Let's see, I've seen tons of people reading a book (because that is safe). Um, lots of people singing at the top of their lungs, probably not the next American Idol, but it's funny to see. I also get a kick out of parents yelling and giving it to their kids/spouse, you know the one that has the finger pointing and head shaking going on. Even one step better is the same finger pointing and heading shaking, but no one else is in the car, and unless they are on speaker phone there is no sign of a cell phone. I like the dancers too, they are pretty funny. The best one is one I saw about a month ago in Toledo, this dude was having a dance off with himself I think, his whole car was shaking, mostly at stoplights though which is reassuring to everyone reading this. I think that is about all I can think about for right now, the best being the guitar playing dude though, classic. Hope everyone is having a good week!


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