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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Well Jason and I have agreed upon a price for the house and it looks like things are rolling in our favor so far. We need to have it inspected and appraised but other than that it looks like we are going to be taking the plunge for the second time in our life (the first was our marriage, just kidding Jason). We are ready and have been for awhile to get out of our apartment, it is funny how it all fell in to place though. It is the house we have wanted for awhile but it was out of our budget, they ended up dropping the price and just the whole timing of things worked out perfectly. We knew in the end things would work out, but it's funny in the meantime all the other houses we saw, some we liked others not so much. But the whole process has allowed us to learn so much. The biggest key for us was the fact that we had a good realtor who wasn't out there just to make a sale, he never pressured us and he was stright up with us throughout this whole process, we obviously aren't real close to having it, but the hardest part was finding the house we wanted in a good area and in our price range, and that is all done. So now all the fun stuff is left, the paperwork and oh did I mention the paperwork. It is a strange feeling, a good feeling. I have been visualizing in my head where I want stuff to go, and we will need a good paint job inside before we move anything in, the spiderman room just wont' cut it for the Raikes. Other than that, it is in move in condition. Once we get things settled in, we'll have everyone up for a get together so everyone can see the place, and so I will be forced to cook. I am learning, I did get quite a few cook books for Christmas though so I am trying here. Just thought I would keep everyone up to date. I will get some pictures up here soon. Oh yeah did I mention we will only be moving about 1/2 mile from where we live right now? Can't have it much better than that. I hope that everyone is doing well. Take care of yourselves and each other! :)


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