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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, January 09, 2006


Well I thought I would do a little update on how things are going at the Raike household. Jason and I are doing well. I am still in tranining in downtown Toledo and it is going well, I will be done at the end of March and then I will head back to Bowling Green where I will officially work. I headed down to Columbus on Saturday and got to see Clark engulf the icing on his 1st birthday cake, I will post some pictures of that soon, pretty funny stuff. I also got to see Slim Daddy do his belly dance a couple of times Saturday night so my night was fulfilled :) Sunday we met up with the realtor and made an offer on a house, we will know by tomorrow if they accept it and then we will go from there. It was a strange feeling committing to something so large, a good feeling, but it does make you feel pretty "grown up" for sure. We are pretty excited about it, after we got into the car after signing some papers and stuff I looked at Jason and smiled and he was like, "I'm doing ok!" It was pretty funny, it will be a far more intense family when we are actually buying the house and not just putting an offer in on it, so I might need to refresh my CPR skills in case Jason passes out. Tonight we are talking to the mortgage broker and again we should know by tomorrow what the deal is. This is an exciting process and we have learned so much in the past few months it's amazing. Luckily, we have friends and family that have been there and done this so they were able to give a little direction on some do's and don'ts and the realtor we are working with is a super guy, he has never once made us feel awkward or pressured and that is tough to do these days. So, I will keep you all posted and up to date on what happens. If we do end up getting it, I'll post a few pictures, but not until we know it's ours. Hope everyone is doing well, take care. Until next time!


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