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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

These are the days of our lives

Well, we have water so that is a good start to being able to live in the house. The painting is going well and we have a pretty good handle on it right now. Jason's parents are heading up today to do a little more work, and I'll be back over there after work. We are hoping to move in soon, somehow we need to get the paint smell out of there though so we don't pass out from the fumes. Pretty strong smell, guess that is what happens when you paint your whole house. We are moving right along though and things are starting to look pretty good and starting to look like home. We are going to get a puppy probably within the next couple of weeks, we have been looking for awhile to get a dog that is a little older and already house broke, we haven't had too much luck, all of the ones that we have found at shelters and such have been already adopted, so we both really want a puppy and my good friend Jen has some chocolate labs and we are going to get one of them. It will be some work for us trying to house break little (Tressel) we aren't 100% sure on the name but it is looking that way. Jason wanted a black lab and I wanted the chocolate, so we compromised we are getting a chocolate one and he gets to name him. So we are getting excited to get everything in the house done to be able to get the little guy and start getting him used to the house and us. We are getting our tv on Saturday, my car is approved to be fixed so I'm working on getting that taken care of. Just a few things to take care of, of course all at once. Hope that everyone is doing well, hope to hear from all soon! Take care.


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