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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Today is the Big Day

Tonight at 5:30 Jason and I are set to close on the house. It is a very exciting and frightening day for us, more exciting than anything. I am looking forward to having the process done and over with and to us having our very own house. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of high hopes for the decorating scheme. Jason doesn't care too much which makes it nice for me to have a little free reign. Although, the big screen tv is set to be delivered on Saturday and we are doing an Ohio State room so the rest of get to have fun with. I pretty much a the paint schemes picked out, and as you can imagine very little white, although we are doing colors but nothing too off the wall. Jason said no circus stuff, ha-ha. Once we get everything taken care of we hope to have some people up, since we will be able to fit more than 3 people in the room at once. We are set to be out of the apartment by March 1, and my hope is that the painting will be finished by then and we will be good to go to move everything in. So wish us luck. Hope everyone has a great day!


Blogger The Metzes said...

Congratulations on the new house. Welcome to the world of homeownership . . . yards to mow . . . hot water heaters to replace . . . leaks to fix . . . walls to patch . . . ovens to clean . . . dripping sinks to fix . . . are you excited yet? It really is great. Just think, you can paint any room any color you want (as long as Jason passes it). No more answering to anyone!

9:45 AM  

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