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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Well Jason and I have crossed over the path of being renters to now being homeowners. As you can tell by my brother's comment on the last post, we have entered this new world and all its ups and downs. We are looking forward to it, like Adam said no one to answer to except for Jason (and he's a push-over) Kidding Jason. He did veto my orange, which is alright I opted not to go that way anyways, and he isn't a big fan of the yellow I wanted for the bathrooms, so I'm not sure what I'm doing there. Other than that, my aunt Vic and Grampa came up last night and we took Grampa out for his 77th birthday to my favorite place Texas Roadhouse (Grampa likes it too), then we headed to the house and then off to my first big trip to Menards. Wow, we spent like 2 hours there. I ended up with 9 gallons of paint, a bunch of primer, wallpaper, some other stuff I really don't know what it is used for, and some supplies to get the work done. It will be a lot of work, but it will be so nice to have the place looking like we want it, and being able to do it within the next 3 weeks before we have to move all our stuff over from the apartment. The tv is set to be delivered on Saturday, so my goal is to get the walls done in that room where we may put it. Then, next step would be the bedroom so we can think about moving in. Jason and his dad are going to get our washer and dryer and the fridge on Saturday, so we will almost be like real people with a washer and dryer in our place so we don't have to pay 3-4bucks a load to do laundry woo-hoo! So slow but sure we will get it up and running. I am hoping to take some before shots tonight, let's just say the folks that lived there prior had a funky style. So we were "raikerize it" and have it looking like a cozy nook in no time! Keep checking back for pictures and updates. Hope everyone is doing well!


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