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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, March 06, 2006


Well Jason and I were able to entertain some people this weekend. We aren't used to that, with our small apartment people would literally be sitting on one another. So we had about 7 people over, over the course of the weekend, 2 kids, and the in-laws, they didn't come for fun though they came to work, and Jason's mom and I got the border finished. Yesterday I was able to get most of the family room finished, so that was a good thing. We are getting Tressel this weekend so the quicker I get stuff put away the better. Don't need any additional messes once we get him we will have enough. It will be a handful at first, but once we get past him getting used to everything and get him house broke it will be nice to have him in the family. Hope that everyone is doing well and is having a good start to the week!


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