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A Way To Keep up with the Raike's!

Monday, April 04, 2005

This and That

Well, things have been pretty busy around here. I got to spend some time with my mom and Grampa last week. I took three days off of work and got to go riverboat gambling for the first time, it was a lot of fun, I lost some money but not enough to hurt but it was a pretty neat experience. It was unbelievable how much money was going through that place and the elderly population was crazy. I also was able to spend some time with Adam, Mary Beth, and of course that good looking nephew of mine who is smiling now. He is pretty darn cute and he can hold is own head up now which is a big bonus. Other news.....GOOD NEWS: Andy my lil bro is going to Europe this summer on a cruise ship where he will be pursuing his career cooking/cleaning/and whatever they need him to do, so we are pretty happy for him about that. Sounds like such a great opportunity for him. I'm mighty proud of him! However, the BAD NEWS: He is leaving the middle of May and won't be back until after the wedding. Nah, it's a great opportunity for him, he will be the first of the Metz children to leave the country. Plus, everyone has their wedding taped, whoever watches that anywawys, haha. He will be able to see it which is nice, so all is well. Another update...Jason got moved into his apartment this weekend, so he is pretty content. I got to do some decorating though, so I am pretty content. Well tomorrow it is back to work, it will be tough getting back into the routine of working after having 3 days off. I am heading down to Columbus on Tuesday with a group of clients and co-workers to rally at the state house to show the importance of mental health in the budget, so watch for me on the news. Nah, it's a good cause these people need their mental health services, some of them we are all they have, so I am looking forward to it and it's a great opportunity for our client's to be able to take part in a good cause. Until next time.....